Offer Good Until: November 27th, 10:00 A.M., PDT
Brief Description:
Pandora Saga adventurers! I need your help! Thanks to you I built my Golem whom I call Skillrex. One problem though, Skillrex is on a rampage going WUB WUB WUB and using his crystalline resonators to cause buildings to collapse! ...I don't even remember why I installed those to be honest. The only way to stop Skillrex is to gather up enough souls that I can instill a consciousness into his cold destructive shell. Please Help!
Level 20+ Bounty: Larva
Collect: Redeemed Soul x 50
Reward: 150,000 EXP
Level 30+ Bounty: Nightmare
Collect: Superior Soul x 50
Reward: 500,000 EXP
Level 40+ Bounty: Ghost Soldier
Collect: Guilty Soul x 50
Reward: 1,000,000 EXP
Level 50+ Bounty: Lemur