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Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 22 » Astian Events November 20th
Astian Events November 20th
Offer Good Until: November 27th, 10:00 A.M., PDT

Brief Description:
Pandora Saga adventurers! I need your help! Thanks to you I built my Golem whom I call Skillrex. One problem though, Skillrex is on a rampage going WUB WUB WUB and using his crystalline resonators to cause buildings to collapse! ...I don't even remember why I installed those to be honest. The only way to stop Skillrex is to gather up enough souls that I can instill a consciousness into his cold destructive shell. Please Help! 

Level 20+ Bounty: Larva
Collect: Redeemed Soul x 50
Reward: 150,000 EXP

Level 30+ Bounty: Nightmare
Collect: Superior Soul x 50
Reward: 500,000 EXP

Level 40+ Bounty: Ghost Soldier
Collect: Guilty Soul x 50
Reward: 1,000,000 EXP

Level 50+ Bounty: Lemur
Collect: Hungering Soul x 50
Reward: 5,000,000 EXP

1. Adventurers must collect the corresponding items as proof of their valor. These items may be collected in any way they deem fit.
2. Adventurers must place their bounty in the top-left corner of their Main Inventory–not Warehouse–for delivery before the 11/27 maintenance.
3. Adventurers may qualify for one of these bounties for each character. Please choose wisely before undertaking an assignment.
4. Adventurers must put the EXACT number of required items in the top-left corner of their main inventory (e.g., not 51 when the requirement is 50, not 50 when the requirement is 100, or 2 when the requirement is 1.)
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«  Ноябрь 2012  »

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